Andreas Probst full video twitte leakedr, Video shows teen joking with Metro

Andreas Probst full video twitte leakedr, Video shows teen joking with Metro

Grand jury evidence has revealed more details leading up to the Aug. 14 slaying of retired California police chief Andreas Probst.

A grand jury indicted the teenagers accused of targeting cyclists and motorists in a deadly crime spree in the Northwest Valley earlier this month. The teenage suspects are Jesus Ayala, 18, and Jzamir Keys, 16, according to Metro Police.

Eight videos and dozens of images were presented as evidence to a Clark County grand jury.

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Police said the teens drove three different stolen cars on the nearly hour-long rampage and recorded each incident.

One of the videos shows the first incident at Fort Apache near Washburn, in which teens are accused of beating and injuring a 72-year-old bicyclist.

In the video, one of the teens can be heard saying: “Burn him, push him,” before laughing after the impact.

Just half an hour later, at Tenaya and Azul roads, another video showed one of the teens saying: “Take him into the pits,” before crashing into a Toyota Corolla in traffic and then swerving in traffic. Naya heads north.

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Shortly after, video shows the teens screaming, “Spank him,” and running over Probst, who was riding his bike on the bike path. Case police said the video, which went viral after being posted on social media, was filmed.

Andreas Probst’s daughter, Taylor Probst, told ABC News: “The laughter, the words ‘knock him down’ – all of that has stuck with me ever since. “

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The grand jury also saw subway body camera footage showing Ayala’s interaction with an officer during his arrest. Ayala seemed to be joking at this point and even made a request.

“Are you sure you’ve found the killer?” Ayala said to the officer early in the interaction.

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