Natalia Fadeev video leaked, mamma mia israel soldier original twitter

Natalia Fadeev video leaked, mamma mia israel soldier original twitter

Natalia Fadeev video leaked, mamma mia israel soldier original twitter
Natalia Fadeev is a 23-year-old Israeli serving in the Israeli army as an active reserve unit. This beautiful young woman was forced to enlist in the military service from the age of 18, however, Natalia remained active in addition to joining the reserve forces until she was 38 years old or she became pregnant, so as long as she is Called to fight, she is ready to do so he said on his TikTok profile.

The Israeli soldier, nicknamed “Gun Waifu” on social media, has just 2.7 million followers on Chinese social media, most of whom praise her stunning beauty. Natalia is proud to belong to the Israeli army and is willing to withdraw from any activity if her country requires her to serve.

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“I don’t have a military contract and military service is mandatory in Israel, so at 18 I did almost 3 years of active duty and now I’m 3 years away from being discharged, but basically I have to do reserve service until I finish my military service 38 years.

My country can call me at any time for training and missions because I serve in combat units, those days I have to present myself, as you can see, I will proudly leave what I have done, whenever the country needs me I present myself. ”, Natalia said in a TikTok post.

Natalia Fadeev is a military “ambassador” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In a recent Douyin post, she claimed to be an influential person who helps her own militia distract enemies and promotes Zionism, an ideological and nationalist political movement that has been around since its inception and proposed a state for the Jews.

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“I was born in the right generation. I love being in the military, distracting snipers, playing TikTok while on duty, promoting Zionist propaganda and talking about the Holy Land” – Natalia Fadeyev.

Gunwaffe’s stance has been both praised and threatened by critics of the Israeli state, for which she has made it clear that she will never fight “children who throw stones at Israeli soldiers.” Her active role in the military underscores this throughout the year: “Protect the Holy Land (also known as Israel) in 2023.”

Likewise, it is time to send a message to the Palestinian army: “I have a simple message for your enemies. We do not fear you. Israel is our land, not yours. Peace in Jerusalem will not be taken from us nor our will to survive.” Stronger than your desire to destroy us.

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While she flaunts her natural beauty, Natalia always includes a line dedicated to her critics with every post: “I love seeing people obsessed with IDF girls, yes please hate me because I’m so much better.” .

Gun Waifu reports as a reservist in the Israel Defense Forces gendarmerie, as well as a marksmanship and combat trainer; he also encourages people to enlist, with the message: “I can be your military girlfriend, but you’re not in the military.” .”

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