Ronaldo Valdez video Footage cctv death leaked, Ronald James Dulaca Gibbs leaks reddit

ronaldo valdez video footage

The Quezon City Police Department (QCPD) said it is conducting a deeper investigation into the death of veteran actor Ronaldo Valdez. QCPD Chief Redrico Maranan said in a statement released yesterday that Valdez was found sitting on a chair at the Casa Nueva Homes unit on Manga Street, New Manila, Quezon City on Sunday afternoon.

ronaldo valdez video footage
Valdez had gunshot wounds to his left and right temples and was holding a gun in one hand when his driver, Angelito Oclarit, found his body. “We are currently conducting a thorough investigation to determine the cause of (Valdez’s) death,” Maranan said.

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He added: “We recognize the importance of this matter and are working hard to gather all relevant facts and evidence.” QCPD is awaiting the results of paraffin and ballistics tests conducted on members of the Valdez family. Maranan said they will release the results once the investigation is complete.

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Celebrating the illustrious career of the iconic Ronaldo Valdez! 🌟 From the silver screen to television, his remarkable talent has graced the entertainment industry for decades.

🎬✨ Whether portraying captivating characters or leaving audiences in awe with his incredible performances, Valdez has left an indelible mark on Philippine showbiz. 🇵🇭🎭 Join us in honoring this living legend and expressing gratitude for the joy and inspiration he has brought to generations of fans. 🙌🌈 #RonaldoValdez #PhilippineCinema #LegendInEntertainment

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